I'm Back!
Hey guys, I'm back editing on the NCS wiki! I appreciate to all those who've done a good job on updating the wiki while I left. I should also apologize of the rant I pulled last October since I wasn't sure if NCS would bounce back from those boring randomizers. Which he has, sort of. The other LPs were...so-so, I'll say. I also missed out on his business cards too; never knew he had them. Maybe that image should be added on here somewhere?
Anyway, glad to be back! I hope Tim'll do more good LPs, as well as any of those old audio tapes in the future which the latter I kept pleading on the comments. So, good to be back and I appreciate the work. I especially would love the effort on his Wikitubia page as well.
NintendoCapriSun (NCS) = NintendoFriedBrains (NFB)
I never thought it'd come to this...
I'd been sticking w/ NintendoCaprisun (aka Timothy Bishop) ever since the early 2010s, around the same time as I founded YouTube as well as Josh, Alex, ItionoBen, and Logan. I can't remember exactly what my first LP was, nor how I found him; I guess it just happened randomly on its own, and he was one of the most entertaining, hilarious, professional LPers ever. However...things hadn't been going well at all recently.
I used to casually watch him less and less, and even though his LPs were becoming more lackluster, I still had been editing his own Wiki and his page on Wikitubia on occasion. But ever since he started his Streaming/Randomizer phase, that was when things began to dwindle, drastically! From t…
Can you make more audio tapes?
Hey, BreakingNCS. Just want to let you know I love your audio tapes. I was just watching your 40 Years, and I was listening to Part 1. I was like, can you make more audio tapes? Like, the ones when you were ranting about playing FF6 and getting a job, or ones about Crystal? I mean it's gonna take forever when you're all caught up so why stop now? It's sluggish at this rate, especially when you have to release them on a specific day. So, just want to put that out here.
Make More Fake Sequelitis
Hey, NCS. I just want to let you know that your Fake Sequelitis vids are just fantastic. You have a great sense of humor, you stay on topic while comparing two sides of the coin, and you're informative and entertaining.
Now I think you shold make more of these. Why? Because I just watched an Egoraptor vid on Zelda and he's just...atrocious! He goes well and beyond what he's talking about instead of staying on topic. And he kinda sounds very immature and squeaky. You, on the other hand, are a far, far cry from him, and I don't care if people like him or not!
Personally, I'd take your "Fake" Sequelitis anyday over that guy! Simple as that. And I hope you get to make more of them soon. I definitely enjoyed the crap out of the Metroid one, and t…